Latest news from Brazier Motti
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COUCH wellness centre set to offer new service to Cairns cancer patients
Brazier Motti is extremely proud to be a part of the community drive to establish the COUCH Wellness Centre in Cairns.
This important initiative recognises that facing a life-threatening illness requires more than just medicine, but lifestyle and emotional support for patients and those closest to them. The COUCH Wellness Centre is proposing to provide services including counselling, exercise and nutrition advice, and meditation, relation and other forms of therapy.
Brazier Motti has offered our town planning services to assist with relevant applications for this development.
For more information and to find out how you can support this great initiative, click here.
Brazier Motti Honoured by Rotary Club of Ross River
In June, Brazier Motti was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow from the Rotary Club of Ross River in Townsville. We are extremely honoured to have received this acknowledgement in recognition of our community work alongside Rotary in Townsville over the years.
North Queensland is a fantastic community, in no small part thanks to the contribution of organisations like Rotary. It is a privilege to be able to work with Rotary clubs across the region, including as a supporter of the Townsville Rotary Markets and a regular sponsor of the annual Rotary Charity Golf Day in Cairns.
We were also excited to see one of our Drafters, Sara Rosso, honoured by the Rotary Club of Ross River with a Pride of Workmanship award. Sara makes an outstanding contribution to our team and we congratulate her on receiving this recognition for her work!
Peter Murphy appointed as Chair of the Queensland Surveyors Board
Brazier Motti is very proud to announce that Director and Survey Discipline Leader, Peter Murphy, has been appointed by the Government as the Chair of the Queensland Surveyors Board. The role of the Board is to administer the Surveyors Act, in order to protect the public and ensure public confidence in the profession of surveying. Broadly, this includes: setting the standards of competency for registration; registering competent persons; conducting investigations of complaints; and conducting disciplinary proceedings (where necessary).