Graduates and Registered SURVEYOR positions available

We have numerous positions available for Graduate and Registered Surveyors, to join our team of experienced Registered Cadastral and Engineering Surveyors. Contact us by 1 October to apply.
We service a broad range of clients, locally and regionally, using a variety of instruments, software and survey techniques.
Currently we have a number of opportunities in Townsville, for staff to work on a broad range of local and regional projects.
For over 65 years we’ve been a leading survey and planning consultancy servicing Northern Australia and beyond.
If you would like an opportunity to work for our firm, contact us directlyby the 1st of October 2021.
Phone: 07 47721144
Tags Aerial Survey BIM Brazier Motti Burdekin Cairns Drone GIS GPS Laser Scanning Lidar Mackay Mapping North Queensland Planning Queensland Scanning Spatial Survey Surveying Surveyor Town Planner Town Planning Townsville UAV